Saturday, November 8, 2008

The collection of sites about where to buy books directly from the publisher

It's very hard to find really good and quality information on the internet. So I've made a listing of some great sites about where to buy books directly from the publisher.


James said...

Hello, thanx for tips

2008 Oct 25 23:25
Jeff said...

Very good links. Thanx

2008 Oct 24 14:06
Michael said...

I like your comments, great links

2008 Oct 24 13:40
Carol said...

Very good links. Thanx

2008 Oct 19 19:42
Charles said...

The best sites on the Internet :)

2008 Oct 17 06:27

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2008 Oct 07 22:42

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2008 Sep 28 06:42

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2008 Sep 19 09:45

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2008 Sep 14 17:25

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